Later this week businesses across Tāmaki Makaurau can access a range of support as they recover from the Auckland Anniversary weekend flooding.
“After the Government announcement of a $5 million package of emergency support to help businesses significantly affected by the recent flooding in Auckland, the Auckland Business Chamber quickly operationalised the Back to Work grants, with support of the Tāmaki Makaurau Business network” says Auckland Business Chamber Chief Executive Simon Bridges.
“The Back to Work grants will not be a substitute for insurance or compensation for all commercial losses a business has suffered from the recent flooding. They are designed to help small business get back on their feet sooner, stronger”.
The categories for the Back to Work grants includes:
· Up to $5000 for red/yellow stickered businesses
· Up to $2000 for other businesses (not red or yellow stickered) who can demonstrate significant need;
· $750 by declaration based on demonstration of a moderate level of need.
To apply, businesses must:
· Have no less than one employee, and no more than 20
· Have been directly impacted, including but not limited to, having sustained damage to property/stock and have been unable to trade during normal trading hours
· Face significant cashflow issues due to continued challenges with customer access, ability to source stock, or operate as usual due to physical damage to equipment or premises, or delays in insurance assessment and repairs
· Be an otherwise viable business both before and after the flooding, and
· Commit to acting in line with employment law and with due regard to their employees.
The Tāmaki Makaurau Business Network, which is a collaboration between sector Associations including the Auckland Business Chamber, the EMA, Whāriki Māori Business Network, the Pacific Business Trust, Retail NZ, Hospitality NZ, Heart of the City, the Restaurant Association and Tātaki Auckland Unlimited, is mindful of the desirability of supporting the growth of Māori and Pacific small businesses, and those of ethnic communities, and expects that these businesses will have access to the package.
Applications for these grants can be made through or via 0800 005 605, from later this week.
Further support for businesses is being delivered through the Tāmaki Makaurau Business Network partners in the coming weeks that will support business continuity and resilience.
Right now to support business owners’ mental health and wellbeing they can access First Steps, the Business Helpline on 0800 500 362 and join the online Business Community for free information, support and links to useful information.
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