Drop-in Clinic video available to view
We had a great turnout to our drop-in clinic this week on navigating the latest Alert Level 3.2 changes. Our thanks to Greg Harford and Aimie Hines from Retail NZ who partnered with us in the talanoa and Q&A. Check out session info and advice here.
Covid-19 environment and impact
What businesses can open at Alert Level 3
How to support your staff
Covid-19 recent and upcoming changes and more...
Workplace vaccine legislation, changing employee hours and more from Employment NZ
The Government has announced new legislation to guide decisions on what workplaces need vaccination. The legislation will help to take the next step in stopping the spread of COVID-19. Learn more about what work requires vaccinated employees, and vaccines and the workplace here.
Requirements for your business can change during COVID-19. As an employer if you want to change an employee’s current working arrangements, there are specific requirements that you must follow. Any changes need to be consulted on and agreed to by both you and the employee. Any agreed changes to the employment agreement must be recorded in writing even if the changes are temporary. Learn more here.
Many businesses close down over the festive season each year. During a closedown, employees can be required to take annual holidays with at least 14 days' notice. Info on annual and holiday leave entitlements can be found here.
A bakery that failed to pay employees correct wages, holiday and sick leave was ordered by the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) to pay $299,038 in arrears and penalties, read more here.
Enriching Local School Curriculum
This may be of interest to cultural, community and church groups. On Wednesday 13th October the Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga (Ministry of Education) released the ‘Enriching Local Curriculum’ (ELC) request.
The ELC is an awesome opportunity for leaders and movers in our Pacific communities to apply to create and share learning experiences that will enrich local school curriculum. You can access the Request for Proposal for ‘Enriching Local Curriculum’ (ELC) by clicking here.
The Ministry of Education is seeking to procure a panel of suppliers for ELC services that complement and enhance ākonga learning through the New Zealand Curriculum,Te Marautanga o AotearoaandTe Whāriki. To be considered, providers need to complete and submit the ELC RFP Response Form and the 2021 ELC Excel Budget workbook available on GETS.
For assistance with this process please contact GETS - Government Electronic Tender Service | Current Tenders.
Waka Toa Ora: Insights on COVID Seminar held by the Canterbury District Health Board
This is an online session for NGOs, community groups and public health providers on how to prepare for future COVID community spread. It is also an opportunity to hear how the case investigation and community isolation processes work.
Led by Drs Ramon Pink and Matthew Reid, Medical Officers of Health, this session will be held on Tuesday 16 November from 12.30pm to 1.30pm.
Workshop Calendar Whether you are wanting to improve your pitching skills, start a social enterprise or tender for new business, there’s something for everyone in our free workshops. Book your spot now using the links below.
Tuesday 16 November
Storytelling for Business (online)
Thursday 18 November
Environmental and Sustainability Management (online)
Tuesday 23 November
Social Enterprise Strategy (online)
Thursday 25 November
Procurement Tendering and Pricing (online)
Tuesday 30 November
Social Enterprise Impact (online)
Tuesday 30 November
Employment Rights and Obligations (Wellington)
Tuesday 2 December
Procurement Readiness (Christchurch)
Thursday 9 December
Procurement Tendering and Pricing (Christchurch)
Wage Subsidy Reminder
Applications for Wage Subsidy August 2021 round #7 opened 9am this morning, Friday 12 November. If you need any assistance with applying for the Wage Subsidy, the Resurgence Support Payment or other Covid-19 support payments or any support with follow-up, please give the PBT team a call, 0800 287 7526 or visit HERE for more information.
PBT News team bringing you the latest news in the PBT community