Senior Leadership Role - Chief Executive
30 Oct 2020

Senior Leadership Role - Chief Executive


With a successful business transformation programme, significant funding growth and a refreshed board of trustees, Pacific Business Trust (PBT) is poised to make an even greater impact than ever before.

As the Pacific Economic Development Agency for New Zealand, PBT is focussed on growing innovation, talent and leadership through bespoke programmes and business grants. It is a navigator and leader, a trusted partner to Pacific communities and to government agencies who fund a significant part of PBTs work .

The Chief Executive Officer is the ultimate steward of the organisation, providing the overall leadership, direction and management. You will be tasked with completing the transformation programme and scaling up PBTs refreshed national service offerings. You will drive PBTs growth strategy, increasing long-term funding and diversification of our revenue streams. You will work closely with all our communities including those in our regions, and will be a powerful advocate and champion of Pacific Business.

To succeed in this role you will be a proven senior leader with broad general management skills that have equipped you for the full range of CEO responsibilities. You will be strongly connected to the Pasifika community, and bring a deep understanding of appreciation of Pacific culture and community practices. Your background will include commercial management or economic development experience, and you will understand government programmes and how they are funded. Most importantly, you will be a values based leader, innovative, fast paced, collaborative, and able to deliver at pace and at scale.

For a position description and to arrange an initial conversation, please email To apply please send your CV and Cover Letter to

Applications close Wed 18th November.


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